Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Its whats been going on here on this little blog of mine. The less I post the more that gets done around my home. I have some pictures of projects I am trying to complete. I also have a custom father and son Christmas tie order or two to complete. That I'll hopefully remember to share. But this is all when the dust settles. Until then,....

tartan plaid

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I'm not angry

Everything works out according to God's will. I'm curious to see how the next 4 years play out. Until then,...I need to find some good Japanese craft books.

Monday, November 03, 2008

the cloisters

We spent the better part of our Saturday here.
It was beautiful. Even thought it isn't the best place for 2 year olds.
We'll count it all for fun. We had some old friends and some new ones over for a sabbath lunch on Sunday. I made this recipe with some of the squash we picked a week or two ago. I subsituted the chicken stock for some homemade veggie stock because said guest is a vegetarian. Oh so easy to do, and it turned out nicely. I baked some apples until they because sauce a minute ago. Oh so yum. I'm going to go try to yum up some pears now.