Wednesday, July 02, 2008

cloth and all that

It was a long road for me to get to this point at which I love using cloth diapers. I wasn't really happy with store brand disposables that I used on my son. Then I found the seventh generation diapers and was really happy. They were dye/ chlorine free. No characters on the waistband. (oh how I hated the characters) And they just looked crunchy. But then as I read up more on the dangers in the gel used in most disposable my searched for something better continued. I found this wonderful site, and started buying and trying. This wasn't a great idea for me because I didn't have the enough experience in my opinion, of using the diapers to know what I wanted. I finally decided on these one size buddies. Brilliant! That pretty much sums them right up.


  1. those diapers look great. and very similar to the bumgenius diapers i use. i think choosing a cloth diapering system was about one of the most overwhelming decisions i've made in awhile. who knew there were so many options?! i'm definitely a fan of the one size pockets. happy diapering.

  2. I tried the old school cloth route for about 2 days when my oldest was a baby. I just wasn't properly equipped. My heart was there but it just wasn't right, maybe if I had found these I would have faired better!

  3. Glad you found something that works well for you and is safe for baby!

  4. sweet! we're happy heinys fans around here, too. enjoy 'em!
