Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Forgive my absence. Ezra was sick with something strange, but mild and then we had wonderful house guests this past week. We've had so much fun I forgot to capture it all in pictures. :(
Now that we are back to our regularly scheduled programing, Joel and I watched Chris Rocks documentary Good Hair. As a black woman a lot of this movie rang true. Some of it was a surprise as well. Like how and where human hair comes from. I had no idea that weaves could be such a huge expense. I started getting a perm when I was about 10. And continued to get them until I was 23. I went through a time where I loved wearing my hair in braids. ( my hair braided with fake hair)

There I am. circa 2002 with braid extensions
And here I am Pregnant with my first in 2005. With a regular perm.

I went natural at 23.

I have never been so happy. I love my own hair and for the first time wouldn't change a thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you're beautiful! I love your hair, and I'm glad you do, too :)

  3. I love your hair! We watched that movie too - super interesting.

  4. Thanks girls, you are too sweet!

  5. I love your hair. I am jealous.

  6. your hair is beautiful....and it got so long!!! :)

  7. I love your hairstory. Dennis and I watched the movie last month and absolutely loved it and learned a ton!!! I loved the perspective he took with it and especially with his own children.
