Wednesday, April 27, 2011

wool covers, for the diapers

I'm cloth diapering again. I have in the past, and I've also given up in the past as well. But I just can't stay away.
The diapers I was buying were discontinued. So in my search for the next best option, tons of dipes were crossed out and, for some sick reason I can get over the delicious smell and qualities of wool. So, I've been knitting up a bunch of these.
I like this pattern even better than the last, because its a bit more versatile. Also I like the look a bit more.


  1. oh my gosh!
    I love this!
    if I had a little one, I'd for sure be making these!


  2. Funny that you should post this.. I was just talking with a friend who has cloth diapered all four of her kids and I asked for her pattern that she uses and this was the one she uses so I was just about to start in on some of these. We are going to give it a try for the first few months and if it works then we might keep on doing it. I am trying not to get my hopes up about it, but it seems like I might just be able to pull it off. We'll see.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Elisabeth!
    Ali, as you can see its a lot of fun for me. you might have to come over so we can chat about it.
    Soon maybe?

  5. thanks for the pattern link, grace! i've always wanted to try making one but have been overwhelmed by the choice of patterns. have to give this one a try.

  6. Yes, Grace! I am free most of the time since I am not working these days. We will be out of town May 6-15th but before or after that I am free to come and chat/knit.

  7. YES! I was looking for a good wool cover pattern! But there were so many and I was wanting a word of mouth recommendation! this is perfect! thanks Grace!!
