The goose is getting fat, put another penny in the old man's hat. I sing this sometimes. At random intervals during the day. And dear little Sammy has started to sing it too. I sound ridiculous, he's just cute.
I knit myself a hat from some super chunky yarn I had bought last year. It came out cute, and I've been wearing it all weekend, inside and out. But after seeing this, I realize I did not make what I should have made, and now I need to find some more yarn. But Since I have an overflowing stash this should not pose a problem.
Whilst browsing I stumbled upon this. Since I use skype about 4 times a week, it made its way right onto my amazon wishlist via that sturdy little button they give you for free. The button is right there on my toolbar, and did I mention it's free?! Brilliant.
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