Wednesday, March 16, 2011

eye glasses

Cause they are fun.


  1. When I just say the clip of this post on Facebook I thought that Sam was needing eye glasses! He sure looks cute in them anyway!

  2. they are even more fun if they aren't yours ;)
    cute cute

  3. I had the same first thought as Ali. And then my second thought was, "Oh dear, those rims are a little too, um, chic for a man child." Anyway, I'm glad to know that they're still just for fun at this age! I always feel bad for kids who need glasses that young.

    I love Phoebe's look—like somebody's being too loud in the library. ;) Super cute kiddos!

  4. They are. I always wanted eyes glasses, as I got older though I have been grateful for good eye site. ha ha

  5. i wear glasses and my girls always want to wear them... what is it about them?!

  6. Cute! I think my daughter's going to need one in the future. She's only a year and a half and already loves to watch tv. I know - my fault :/
